[1]CHENG Xian-yi,CHEN Xiao-bo.Frame of pattern recognition based on multi-Agent[J].CAAI Transactions on Intelligent Systems,2006,1(2):89-93.
CAAI Transactions on Intelligent Systems[ISSN 1673-4785/CN 23-1538/TP] Volume:
Number of periods:
2006 2
Page number:
Public date:
- Title:
Frame of pattern recognition based on multi-Agent
- Author(s):
CHENG Xian-yi; CHEN Xiao-bo
Computer Science & Communication Engineering Institute , Jiangsu University, Zh enjiang 212013,China
- Keywords:
pattern recognition; Agent; APRF; pattern memory; pat tern emerge
- CLC:
- DOI:
- Abstract:
Traditional pattern recognition methods have two disadvantages in gene ral: centralized control and depending on the quality of the features extracted or selected. APRF(AgentBased Pattern Recognition Frame) is proposed based on multiagent theories and techniques after the analysis of the cha r acteristics, advantages and disadvantages of the topdown and bottomup method s. The pattern is modeled by quantitatively computing from bottom to top so as to ease the classification. Then the pattern is emerged by the qualitatively analy tical approach from top to bottom. APRF is aimed to make the pattern recognition by computer more accordant with the cognition of human. The core of APRF is: Pa ttern Recognition=Pattern Modeling+Pattern Emergence.