Guidelines for Reviewers

¡¡All articles published on the journal of CAAI Transactions on Intelligent Systems (CAAI-TIS) go through the peer-review process. To ensure an effective and efficient review process, the editorial board of CAAI-TIS has formulated the following guidelines that must be adhered to.

I.Guiding Principles for Reviewers
1. Review process shall be carried out by upholding the Four Cardinal Principles, observing the policies and principles of The Communist Party of China, guarding state secrets, and complying with the Constitution, relevant state laws and regulations.
2.Peer reviewers shall ensure that objectivity and impartiality shall be maintained throughout the review process. The review results must be based on the scientific quality and originality of the paper. Reviewers shall respect authors¡¯ research findings and keep the content of the manuscript confidential. Review should be declined if the reviewer hold a conflict of interest with the author, or the author¡¯s institution that could impact on the objectivity of the review. Reviewers shall abide by the reviewers¡¯ responsibilities defined in the Publication Ethics.
3. Timeliness and responsiveness is essential for the review process. Effort should be made to complete the review within 20 days. Reviewers should notify the editorial department in cases where this is not possible and return the manuscript to the editorial department or recommend another qualified reviewer.
4. The double-blind peer review is strictly applied. The reviewers should be careful not to reveal their identities to the authors. The reviewer will get paid after the review is completed.

II. Rating the Manuscript
¡¡The rating of the manuscripts should depend on the following aspects of the research work: originality, significance, scientific soundness, quality of presentation, and language level. Assessment should also be made on the writing of abstract including the English version, citation and references. Quality of each item can be checked in the review report form. Detained and specific review comments should be provided to help authors address the point you raise. Review report shall be written in a constructive manner so that authors can improve their work.
¡¡For review articles, the review report should specifically focus on the cutting-edge nature of the research topic, the multidisciplinary aspects of the research, and if it can facilitate a technological advance. Quality of a review article is judged on the summary of previously published materials, discussion on the current state of understanding on a topic, and if new insight on the development in the area is given.
¡¡For research articles, the following aspects of a manuscript should be examined:

Selection of the Topic
¡¡Is the topic investigated original and well defined? Does the paper cover a scientific advance that addresses the gaps in knowledge? What is the practical significance of the research?
¡¡Does the literature review section in the paper summarize the latest research developments in a specific field both abroad and domestically?

¡¡What is the research discovery? Is it something that has not been discovered, or a method that has not been adopted, or a hypothesis or proposition that has not been proposed or a factor that has not been taken into consideration? Does it solve a difficult problem in engineering or facilitate an advance in technology? Scientific Quality
¡¡Is the study correctly designed and scientifically sound? Are the research findings supported by experimental evidence or is the simulation calculation valid and convincing? Are the methods, tools, software, figures and tables described with the highest academic and technical standards?

Quality of Presentation
¡¡Is the article written in academic style? Does the paper exhibit logical coherence? Is the language appropriate and understandable? Do the Title and Abstract generalize the main idea of the paper?

Citation and References
¡¡Is the citation made appropriately in the paper? Do the references of the paper include latest publications?

¡¡If reviewers become aware of unethical behavior related to the manuscript such as fraud, plagiarism or simultaneous submissions, they should contact editorial department immediately.

III. Ways to Conduct Review
1. By email: Reviewers can log in to the online review website without password through the prompt link in the email sent by the editorial department.
2. By PC terminal: Please open the webpage of, then click on the ¡°Expert Online Review¡±, and log in to the site with your username to conduct the online review.
3.By mobile terminal: Follow the WeChat official account number of znxtxb, click on ¡°Micro Service¡± then select ¡°Expert Online Review¡±, and log into the site with your username to conduct the online review.
Note: If you encounter problems when using the review system, please dial 0451-82534001 or add the WeChat account (ID: TIS2006).

IV. Review Procedures
1. Initial checks will be made by the editorial department.
2.Once a manuscript passes the initial checks, it will be assigned to our invited expert reviewer for peer review according to the specific research area and contents of the paper.
3. Based on the comments and advice of the expert reviewer, the Editorial Board will decide whether it has to be sent to another reviewer. Manuscripts that fail to pass the review of our invited expert reviewers will be rejected.
4. After examination of the contents of the paper, the reviewer presents the review result and comments to the editorial department.
5. The Editorial Board will make the final decision to accept, reject, or to ask authors to revise the manuscript.

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