CAAI Transactions on Intelligent Systems[ISSN 1673-4785/CN 23-1538/TP] Volume:
Number of periods:
2008 3
Page number:
Public date:
- Title:
The intelligent bionic model——ant colony
- Author(s):
Department of Civil Engineering; Wuhan Polytechnic University; Wuhan 430023; China
- Keywords:
intelligent bionic model; ant colony model; subjects intersection; biological principles
- CLC:
- DOI:
- Abstract:
Imp roving the intelligent bionic ant colonymodelwill require multidiscip linary research, and so its devel2 opmentwill p romote p rogress in related subjects. The ant colonymodel, a new intelligent bionic modelwhich mim2 ics the behavior of an ant colony, has p rogressed substantially in the last ten years. However, there has been no systematic study of this field in China. To encourage more research this paper gives a detailed introduction to sever2 almajor ant colonymodels according to their underlying bionic p rincip les and simulation methods. The latest devel2 opments in this field are also described. Then, typ ical app lications of ant colonymodels are summarized, and new areaswhere they can be used are p resented. Finally, comparisons are made between the ant colony algorithm, the particle swarm op timization algorithm, the immune algorithm, and the evolutionary algorithm. The similarities and differences between these algorithms are pointed out. This comp rehensive introduction should p romote research on ant colony algorithms in China.