Database Index
Database Index (to 2022)

Publisher£ºadministrator¡¡Release time£º2022/5/26 11:07:31¡¡ Number of views£º276

Since its inception, CAAI Transactions on Intelligent Systems is indexed in the following most powerful database:

2006, indexed by China Academic Journal Network Publishing Database.
2006, included by Annual Report for Chinese Academic Journal Impact Factors .
2006, indexed by China Science and Technology Journal Database.
2006, indexed by A Guide to The Core Journals of China Database.
2007, indexed by Cambridge Scientific Abstracts Database.
2007, indexed by Science Abstracts Database.
2009, indexed by Source Journals for Chinese Scientific and Technical Papers and Citations Database.
2012, indexed by A Guide to the Core Journal of China Database.
2013, indexed by Chinese Science Citation Database.
2015, indexed by Superstar Journals Database.
2019, selected in the List of Recommended Academic Conferences and Journals in Computer Science of Tsinghua University.
2020, included by World Journal Clout Index (WJCI) of Scientific and Technological Periodicals.
2022, selected in T2 of the Classified Catalogue of High-Quality Scientific Journals in the Field of Computer.

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