[1]MO Hongwei.Research advance on natural computing[J].CAAI Transactions on Intelligent Systems,2011,6(6):544-555.

Research advance on natural computing

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[4]CHEN Weineng, ZHANG Jun, CHUNG H S H, et al. A novel setbased particle swarm optimization method for discrete optimization problems[J]. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 2010, 14(2): 278300.
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[8]马义德, 李廉, 王亚馥, 等. 脉冲耦合神经网络原理及其应用[M]. 北京: 科学出版社, 2006: 125.
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[16]DURHAM W. Coevolution: genes, culture, and human diversity[M]. Palo Alto, USA: Stanford University Press, 1994: 3545.
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[19] PAUN G. Membrane computing: an introduction[M]. Berlin: SpringerVerlag, 2002: 110.
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[22]莫宏伟,左兴权,毕晓君.人工免疫系统研究进展[J].智能系统学报, 2009, 4(1): 2329.
MO Hongwei, ZUO Xingquan, BI Xiaojun. Research on development of artificial immune systems[J].CAAI Transations on Intelligent Systems, 2009, 4(1): 2329.
[23]李晓磊,邵之江,钱积新.一种基于动物自治体的寻优模式鱼群算法[J].系统工程理论与实践, 2002, 22(11): 3238.
LI Xiaolei, SHAO Zhijiang, QIAN Jixin. A fish school optimization algorithm based on animal autonomous[J]. Theory and Practice of System Engineering, 2002, 22(11): 3238.
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[27]SIMON D. Biogeographybased optimization[J]. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 2008, 12(6): 702713.
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[40]MELLER S, MARCHETTO J, AIRAGHI S, KOUMOUTSAKOS P. Optimization based on bacterial chemotaxis[J]. IEEE Trans on Evolutionary Computation, 2002, 6(1): 1629.
[41]PASSINO K M. Biomimicry of bacterial foraging for distributed optimization and control[J]. IEEE Control Syst Mag, 2002, 22(3): 5267.
[42]TANG W J, WU Q H, SAUNDERS J R. A novel model for bacteria foraging in varying environments[C]//Proc ICCSA. Berlin, SpringerVerlag, 2006: 556565.
[43]ACHARYA D P, PANDA G, MISHRA S,et al. Bacteria foraging based independent component analysis[C]//Proc Int Conf Comput Intell Multimedia Applicat. Piscataway, USA: IEEE Press, 2007: 527531.
[44]DASGUPTA S, ABRAHAM D A. Adaptive computational chemotaxis in bacterial foraging optimization: an analysis[J]. IEEE Tran on Evo Comput, 2009, 13(4): 919942.
[45]KIM D H, ABRAHAM A, CHO J H. A hybrid genetic algorithm and bacterial foraging approach for global optimization[J]. Inform Sci, 2007, 177(18): 39183937.
[46]MISHRA S. A hybrid least squarefuzzy bacterial foraging strategy for harmonic estimation[J]. IEEE Trans Evol Comput, 2005, 9(1): 6173.
[47]BISWAS A, DASGUPTA S, DAS S, ABRAHAM A. Synergy of PSO and bacterial foraging optimization: a comparative study on numerical benchmarks[C]//Proc 2nd Int Symp Hybrid Artificial Intell Syst (HAIS)Advances Soft Computing Ser. [S.l.], SpringerVerlag, ASC, 2007: 255263.
[48]PASSINO K M. Biomimiery of bacterial foraging for distributed optimization and control[J]. IEEE Control System Magazine, 2002(6): 5267.
[49]MAJHI R, PANDA G, SAHOO G. Efficient prediction of stock market indices using adaptive bacterial foraging optimization(ABFO)and BFO based techniques[J]. Expert Systems with Applications, 2009, 36 (6): 1009710104.
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[51]MO Hongwei, YIN Yujing. Image segmentation based on bacterial foraging and FCM algorithm[J]. International Journal of Swarm Intelligence Research, 2011, 2(3): 1629. 
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[53]吕慧显. 基于微细菌群体趋药性的函数优化算法[J]. 青岛大学学报:工程技术版, 2009, 24(1): 1926.
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[55]张煜东,吴乐南.多态细菌趋药性优化[J]. 计算机工程与应用, 2009, 45(18): 611.
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[56]TERESHKO V. Reactiondiffusion model of a honeybee colony’s foraging behaviour[M]. Berlin:SpringerVerlag, 2000: 807816.
[57]TERESHKO V, LEE T. How information mapping patterns determine foraging behaviour of a honeybee colony[J]. Open Systems and Information Dynamics, 2002(9): 181193.
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[62]DRIAS H, SADEG S, YAHI S. Cooperative bees swarm for solving the maximum weighted satisfiability problem, computational intelligence and bioinspired systems[C]//8th International Workshop on Artificial Neural Networks (IWANN 2005). Vilanova, Barcelona, Spain, 2005: 810.
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[68]BASTURK B, KARABOGA D. An artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm for numeric function optimization[C]//IEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium 2006. Indianapolis, USA, 2006: 4550.
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[77]ERGEZER M, SIMON D, DU Dawei. Oppositional biogeographybased optimization[J]. Journal of Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2009, 39(5): 10351040.
[78]MA Haiping. An analysis of the behavior of migration models for biogeographybased optimization[J]. Information Sciences, 2010, 180(18): 34443464.
[79]GONG Wenyin, CAI Zhihua, LING Charlexin,et al. A realcoded biogeographybased optimization with neighborhood search operator[J]. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2010, 216(9): 27492758.
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[81]GONG Wenyin, CAI Zhihua, LING Ccharlexin. DE/BBO: a hybrid differential evolution with biogeographybased optimization for global numerical optimization[J].Soft Computing, 2011, 5(4): 645665.
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[89]MO Hongwei, XU Lifang. Biogeography migration algorithm for traveling salesman problem[J]. International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics, 2011, 4(3): 311330.
[90]PAN Yongxin, LIN Wei, LI Jinhua, et al. Reduced efficiency of magnetotaxis in magnetotactic coccoid bacteria in higher than geomagnetic fields[J]. Biophysical Journal, 2009, 97: 986991.
[91]PAUN G, ROZENBERG G, SALOMAA A. DNA computing:new computing paradigms[M]. Berlin: SpringerVerlag, 1998: 112.
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