[1]HE Qing,SHI Zhong-zhi.Research advances in classification algorithm based on hy per-surface[J].CAAI Transactions on Intelligent Systems,2007,2(6):1-7.

Research advances in classification algorithm based on hy per-surface

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[46]HE Qing, ZHAO Xiurong, SHI Zhongzhi. Sampling based on minimal consisten t subset for hyper surface classfication [A]. Proceedings of the Sixth Interna tional Cenference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics [C]. Hong Kong, 2007.
[47]HE Qing, ZHUANG Fuzhen, ZHAO Xiurong, et al. Enhanced algorit h m performance for classification based on hyper surface using bagging and adaboost [A]. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Machine Learning and C ybernetics[C]. Hong Kong, 2007.
[48]HE Qing, ZHAO Xiurong, SHI Zhongzhi . A cognitive data visualization m et hod based on hyped surface[A]. Proc 6th IEEE Int Conf on Cognitive Informatics (ICCIO07)[C]. [S.l.], 2007.
[49]HE Qing, ZHAO Xiurong, LUO Ping,et al. Combination methodologies of m ul tiAgent hyper surface classifiers: design and implementation issues [A]. LNA I 4476[C].Berlin: SpringerVerlag, 2007.
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