XU Yi,ZHANG Jie.Multi-scale decision model based on partition order product space[J].CAAI Transactions on Intelligent Systems,2024,19(6):1528-1538.[doi:10.11992/tis.202306026]
《智能系统学报》[ISSN 1673-4785/CN 23-1538/TP] 卷:
- Title:
Multi-scale decision model based on partition order product space
- 作者:
徐怡1,2, 张杰2
1. 安徽大学 计算机科学与技术学院, 安徽 合肥 230601;
2. 安徽大学 计算智能与信号处理教育部重点实验室, 安徽 合肥 230601
- Author(s):
XU Yi1,2, ZHANG Jie2
1. School of Computer Science and Technology, Anhui University, Hefei 230601, China;
2. Key Laboratory of Intelligent Computing and Signal Processing, Anhui University, Hefei 230601, China
- 关键词:
粒计算; 粗糙集; 多尺度决策系统; 划分序乘积空间; 多层次; 多视角; 格结构; 最优问题求解层
- Keywords:
granular computing; rough set; multi-scale decision system; partition order product space; multilevel; multiview; lattice structure; optimal problem solving level
- 分类号:
- DOI:
- 摘要:
- Abstract:
Knowledge acquisition in multiscale decision systems is an important research problem. Existing studies on multiscale decision systems only typically address multiple scales of condition and decision attributes, but they often overlook scenarios where condition attributes have multiple views. As a new granular computing model, the partition order product space simultaneously considers multiple levels and views. Therefore, this paper uses the partition order product space to describe and solve multiscale decision problems and establishes a multiscale decision model based on this space, which is referred to as the partition order multiscale decision system. First, the study proposes a partition order multiscale decision system based on the partition order product space, which can describe multiscale decision problems from multiple views. Second, two different lattice structures within the problem solution space of the partition order multiscale decision system are provided. Third, two optimal problem-solving level selection algorithms are introduced for the two different lattice structures to address the multiscale decision problem from multiple views. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed model and algorithms is verified through experiments.
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